Calexico City Council Rejects March 5 Recall Election Date

In a recent development, the Calexico City Council faced a crucial decision regarding the proposed recall election date, with Mayor Pro Term Gloria Romo casting a decisive vote against setting it for March 5. The recall committee had sought this date for the election but encountered resistance during the council's deliberations.

The motion to schedule the election on March 5 failed to garner enough support, as Mayor Pro Term Gloria Romo's dissenting vote played a pivotal role. The city lawyer emphasized that such resolutions require three votes for approval, citing government code regulations. With a five-member city council, a minimum of three affirmative votes is necessary to pass any resolution.

Residents now have additional time to contemplate their stance on the recall, given that the proposed election date was not approved. This decision allows for a more extensive period of public deliberation and engagement before a new date is proposed and potentially approved.

During the discussions, the Imperial County Registrar of Voters highlighted a potential financial implication if the date were to be moved. Shifting the election date could incur additional costs for the city, as logistical arrangements and preparations may need to be adjusted accordingly. This financial consideration adds complexity to the decision-making process for the City Council.

The upcoming city council meeting, scheduled for December 20, is expected to be a crucial juncture where further discussions on the recall election date and related matters may unfold. It remains to be seen whether a consensus can be reached among the council members to set a new date or if additional considerations will be brought to the table.

As Calexico residents await the next developments, the rejected March 5 date underscores the intricacies involved in the recall process and the importance of achieving majority support within the City Council for significant decisions. The outcome of the next meeting will likely shape the trajectory of the recall election and influence how the community navigates this period of civic engagement and decision-making.


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