Brawley Police Department Secures $60,000 Grant for Traffic Enforcement Program

Brawley, Calif. - The Brawley Police Department has been awarded a $60,000 grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety (OTS) to support its ongoing Traffic Enforcement Program. The initiative aims to reduce serious injuries and fatalities on the roads through targeted enforcement and education efforts.

Chief Jimmy Duran emphasized the practical impact of the grant, stating, “This funding will enhance our commitment to public safety in the community. We will intensify efforts to address issues such as distracted driving, impaired driving, and speeding.”

“The grant will provide additional resources for programs like DUI checkpoints and patrols targeting suspected impaired drivers. High-visibility distracted driving enforcement operations will focus on those violating California’s hands-free cell phone law,” Chief Duran added.

In addition to these efforts, the grant will support enforcement operations addressing dangerous driver behaviors affecting the safety of cyclists and pedestrians. “We are committed to providing excellent service to our residents and those who visit or work in our city by tending to their needs with passion,” Chief Duran stated.

The community will also benefit from educational initiatives, such as presentations on traffic safety issues. Collaborative enforcement efforts with neighboring agencies are part of the agenda. Officer training and recertification programs covering Standard Field Sobriety Test (SFST), Advanced Roadside Impaired Driving Enforcement (ARIDE), and Drug Recognition Expert (DRE) training are included in the grant.

The grant program is slated to run until September 2024 and is funded by the California Office of Traffic Safety, administered through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. The Brawley Police Department’s proactive approach, as highlighted by Chief Duran, aligns with broader efforts to enhance road safety, contributing to a safer environment for residents and visitors.


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