Swift Action by Calexico Police Leads to Arrest of Sexual Assault Suspect

In a recent incident in Calexico, law enforcement swiftly apprehended a 32-year-old Mexicali man, Enrique Harim Mota, on a range of serious charges, including sexual assault and assault on his ex-girlfriend. The alarming event unfolded on Thursday, December 28, when Mota allegedly followed his ex-girlfriend to her residence on T. Boman Street in Calexico, forcing his way into her home and subjecting her to a harrowing sexual assault.

Calexico Police responded promptly to the reported assault, learning that Mota had fled the scene in his vehicle after the victim bravely fought him off. Disturbingly, Mota then reportedly threatened self-harm by attempting to cut his own arms. Law enforcement issued alerts to local authorities and border officials, initiating a comprehensive search for Mota and securing an emergency protective order for the victim.

After managing to escape into Mexico, Mota’s attempt to re-enter the United States through the West Port of Entry was thwarted by US Customs and Border Protection. Calexico police officers detained him shortly after 4 p.m., ensuring that the suspect faced the charges brought against him. Mota is currently held at the Imperial County jail, with bail set at $1 million.

The charges against Mota include rape by force or fear, sexual penetration with force or fear, sexual battery, kidnapping, false imprisonment, burglary, inflicting corporal injury on someone in a dating relationship, robbery, and threatening a crime with the intent to terrorize. These grave allegations highlight the severity of the incident and underscore the importance of addressing such cases with urgency and diligence.

The Calexico Police Department expressed gratitude to collaborative law enforcement partners for their assistance in resolving the incident. In a press release, they emphasized the significance of promptly reporting incidents to local law enforcement agencies, reinforcing the collective commitment to ensuring the safety and well-being of the community.

This incident serves as a stark reminder of the challenges law enforcement faces in addressing cases of sexual assault and the critical role the community plays in reporting and preventing such crimes. The collaborative efforts that led to Mota’s arrest highlight the dedication of law enforcement in safeguarding the community and delivering justice in the face of heinous acts.


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