The first unofficial results for the Calexico Recall Election have just been released today, April 16th

Calexico - In a resounding display of public dissatisfaction, the early vote-by-mail returns for the recall election against Calexico City Council members Raul Ureña and Gilberto Manzanarez have delivered a clear message: change is demanded.

With at least 75 percent of ballots cast in favor of recalling each council member, the community has decisively voiced its discontent with the current leadership. For Councilmember Ureña, 76.04 percent of the votes supported his recall, while Councilmember Manzanarez saw 75.30 percent in favor of his removal from office.

The recall effort, fueled by allegations of policies and actions that could jeopardize the city’s well-being, has united a diverse coalition of community members, local business owners, and political figures. Concerns about the direction of Calexico under the incumbents’ leadership have galvanized support for the recall initiative.

“This overwhelming support for the recall sends a clear message that the people of Calexico are eager for change and refuse to tolerate actions that may undermine our community’s future,” remarked one resident who actively campaigned for the recall.

As the Imperial County registrar of voters, Linsey Dale, and her team continue to tally the votes and canvass for further ballots, the spotlight remains on the unfolding developments in Calexico. The process is expected to keep the registrar occupied for the next couple of weeks, reflecting the significance and complexity of this electoral event.

A second update is anticipated later tonight, once the in-person votes have been tallied and the operation concludes for the evening. The outcome of these additional ballots will likely reinforce the overwhelming support seen in the initial vote-by-mail returns, further underscoring the community’s desire for change.

Stay tuned for further updates as Calexico navigates this pivotal moment in its political landscape, where the voices of the people resonate with unprecedented clarity, demanding accountability and a new direction for their city.


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