Sacred Heart School in Brawley to Close Its Doors for good After Over a Century of Service

Brawley CA - After more than 110 years of service, Sacred Heart School in Brawley, one of the smallest schools in the San Diego State diocese is set to close its doors at the end of the current school year. The decision, announced by Father Bernardo Lara, pastor of the Catholic Communities of Brawley and Westmorland, comes after a period of financial struggle and declining enrollment.

In a letter addressed to parents, Father Bernardo expressed the deep sadness surrounding the closure, noting the significant sacrifices made by the school community over the years. Despite efforts to overcome challenges in recent years, including a drop in enrollment from 72 to 47 students two years ago, the school has faced a mounting deficit, reaching $100k for the current school year.

"With the spending of the final Covid government dollars last year, the school now faces a deficit that cannot be overcome without compromising the quality of education," Father Bernardo wrote.

The bishop of San Diego State dioceses also attended the meeting Monday evening offering financial compensation of $1000 For anyone who decided to send their children to St. Mary’s Catholic school in El Centro. However, Controversy struck after community members from sacred Heart school and the imperial Valley wonder why that money couldn’t be reinvested in the school but yet is given to parents who decide to send their kids to St. Mary’s Catholic school.

The Bishop responded to this stating that the diocese was not expecting all students from Sacred Heart school to enroll in Saint Mary’s Catholic school. With one parent saying “the offer feels disingenuous”

The decision to close Sacred Heart School was made with the full support of Cardinal McElroy, highlighting the gravity of the financial situation and the inability to find a viable solution while maintaining educational standards.

The closure of Sacred Heart School is not only a loss for current students, faculty, and staff, but also for the wider parish community and alumni who have been part of the school's legacy. Father Bernardo expressed gratitude to Ms. Burgos, principal of Sacred Heart School and the dedicated teachers and staff for their unwavering commitment to the school and its mission.

Additionally, A meeting for parents was held on Monday evening, May 6th, where representatives of the Diocese addressed concerns and provided support during this challenging time.

“We had been working on this for months, it didn’t just happen over night,  it was a decision made by many people and over a large period of time” father Bernardo stated at the meeting Monday evening.

On top of all this, the school had just been donated a brand new playground costing an estimated $30,000, raised through the chuckwagon breakfast and donations from the community. The community wonders what will happen with all the recent investment in the school such as the new security system implemented less than five years ago.

The school had also just remodeled all of the downstairs portion of the building after it was flooded over summer break, around two years ago, although the exact number of how much it cost is unavailable it seems to have costed a lot for the school.

“you’re not gonna replace this school, you’re going to destroy something that’s irreplaceable, you can’t replicate Sacred Heart school” a former parent at Sacred Heart school stated at the meeting Monday evening.

“I think that Sacred Heart school is a great school and I hate to see it close, I made so many memories here the faculty and staff are amazing and instill you with those Catholic values, I just feel like they could give the school another chance” a former student at sacred Heart school stated

The community of Sacred Heart school hopes that something as great as a miracle could keep the school open and hopes for someone to help the school stay open, but as of now the school is ultimately set to close by the end of this year.

When a parent asked if the school was definitely closing or if we still had a chance, Ron Rubin a member of the board for Sacred Heart school stated “I think it’s a definite no”.

As Sacred Heart School prepares to bid farewell, the community reflects on its rich history and the countless lives touched by its commitment to Catholic education and the values of the Gospel. While the closure marks the end of an era, the spirit of Sacred Heart will undoubtedly live on in the hearts and minds of all who have been part of its journey.


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